KET 在線
PET 真實
OPFUN Talk萌課堂,專注青少在線語言啟蒙!——寰宇咨詢中心資訊網(wǎng)
上海 18761612306
Recently, a heartwarming story about an 11-year-old Chinese student went viral on social media. The student, who is from a rural area in China, had translated a book about Chinese idioms into English. The book was written by his teacher and was intended t
As a visitor to your school, I was struck by the beauty of the campus and its buildings. Every detail of the architecture was impressive, from the grand entrance to the classrooms and dormitories. As I walked around, I couldn't help but think about how mu
My grandmother turned 80 this year, which is a significant milestone for our family. She has lived a long and fulfilling life, and I want to reflect on her experiences and how they have influenced me. From her stories of perseverance to her unconditional
There was a terrible accident that happened last night on the outskirts of the city. A car crashed into a large tree, leaving both the vehicle and the tree completely destroyed. The cause of the accident is still unknown, but it serves as a reminder of th